Roger Bissière is refering at his beginnings to the French tradition of paintings through Ingres, Seurat, Corot. His meeting with his friend Braque changes all his point of view. Then, it's at the end of the war, from 1945, in his country house of Boissiérettes, that grows up his personnal style, dominated by an interior light. In 1964, the Venise Biennale salutes him by a special honnor mention. With Bissière disappears in 1964 a model of modesty, fervour, talent and light.
The 2912 works recensed here are repertoried in 2 volumes. The first one relates the young years from 1910 to World War II. The second volume is from the hiver 1943-44 to his death. One volume separated, finally, keeps the texts, the biography and the index. An essential work on one of the most important representatives and initiators of the "abstract paysagism".
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