Exhibition at the Cabinet d'arts graphiques of the Musée Condé, Château de Chantilly, 8 March - 15 June 2025
After the Louvre, the Musée Condé holds the largest collection of works by Antoine Watteau (1684-1921) in France. Admired for his incomparable pencil stroke, for the faces that populate his work, and for the attention he paid to the Old Masters, to fashion and entertainment, and to the daily life he witnessed, Watteau left behind paintings and drawings that are famous in some cases, but confidential in others.
Enriched by numerous essays by specialists, this exhibition catalogue presents the entire Musée Condé collection. Numerous paintings and drawings from public and private collections, both French and international, complete the ensemble, presenting emblematic aspects of the work of one of the most renowned masters of 18th-century France.
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