At the heart of the effervescence of the 1980s, a generation of innovative artists - Mark Brazier-Jones, Marco de Gueltzl, Thierry Peltrault, Franck Evennou, Elizabeth Garouste, Hubert Le Gall, Laurence Picot, Andrea Salvetti, and later Claude de Wulf... - emerges with talent, freedom and eccentricity. Each one testifies to the importance of art craftsmanship, and all take particular paths to express universal emotions in their own way.
This creative genius has been promoted for nearly forty years by Elisabeth Delacarte, who has witnessed the changes in the decorative arts of the 20th century through her gallery Avant-Scène. Through portraits of artists and decoration projects, this book retraces the history of the Avant-Scène gallery, bearing witness to the changes in the decorative arts at the end of the 20th century.
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