This second volume of the catalogue raisonné of Serge Charchoune (1888-1975) is devoted to the 1925-1930 years, period during which he temporarily adhered to the Purist movement, following the painter Amédée Ozenfant. This is during this periode that the Russian-born artist produced some of his most beautiful paintings. Charchoune followed then his aesthetic researches, notably through ornamental Cubism, which associates abstract geometric forms and figurative elements.
This catalogue raisonné by Pierre Guénégan reproduces and documents the 500 paintings created by Charchoune from 1925 to 1930.
Also available:
- Vol.1 : 1912-1924
- Vol.3 : 1931-1950
- Vol.4 : 1951-1960
- Vol.5 : 1961-1975
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